Lavender Bouquet Photography

Kayla + Brandon

Planning weddings in October in South Dakota is like playing the lottery--when you win, you win big, but there's always the risk of a full-blown blizzard, too. Fortunately, for Kayla and Brandon's Rapid City area micro wedding, the sun was shining (I got a sunburn), the weather was warm (and windy, of course), and the sunset at the end of the afternoon was incredible. 

Kayla DIY'd nearly everything at this wedding and I was really the only local vendor that she hired, outside of the bouncy house for the kids. She called in favors from friends and family and they all put together a beautiful wedding inside their shop-garage on their property in Piedmont. Their ceremony involved a custom unity puzzle for their newly blended family to put together and the five of them walked back down the aisle together. We ended the evening with some golden hour photos in the field next to their home, which the dogs happily joined us for.

Private Residence, Piedmont, SD


The Black Tux

Custom Shoes

Custom Unity Puzzle
LandisCustomDesigns - Etsy